Functionalities at another level


Our main goal is to help you.

 That's why we offer you a wealth of tools to make your day-to-day life easier and to make the management of your accommodation practically run itself.


Dynamic and modular panel where at first glance you have all the information you need at the start of the day. Arrivals, departures, cleanings, comparative graphs and more.

"More of what you need, in the best way."
"One calendar, dozens of tools."


Automatic download of reservations

We want to make your work easier than ever.

That's why we've designed the most functional calendar you've ever tried. 

Moving, dragging, cutting, cloning is fine. But seeing status, origin, people, price, payment, requests and more without clicking is even better.

More about calendar
"You save countless hours with automated accounting."

Interface unified

We have designed the most intuitive yet comprehensive interface you have ever seen. 

The tools you use most are always in view, with dozens of visual alerts depending on the user to ensure proper operation. 

When we talk about unifying, we mean really unifying. That's why we've even integrated WhatsApp so that you always have your customer's conversation at hand.

In addition, there are dozens of tools in a long toolbar, from undoing a check-in, to checking a PIN code on your digital door.

"The most advanced management I have ever seen."
Compare, filter, sort and export from a single platform.


Automatic download of reservations

Get access to dozens of reports in real time. Customize them according to your needs, filter various columns and export in multiple formats.

"You save countless hours with automated accounting."

Follow the tour and discover all our solutions.